
How does the HICP plan to raise the financial resources needed to achieve its vision?

We have no doubt that if God is the originator of the vision of the HICP within our denomination, God will reveal to us and will provide all of the financial resources needed. 

How can the church planter raise the necessary money to help fund the 9-18 month Leadership Residency program?   What are some potential income sources?

We anticipate the per year cost for the Leadership Residency Program will be the responsibility of the planter to raise. (This amount will vary widely based on the location of the Residency Church).

The money will most likely come from a variety of sources, i.e.

1. Planter Spouse Income- This is not required, but it is a great help!

2. Family Wealth - Equity stored up in a home or family business

3. Family and Friends One -Time Gift - Usually used for specific expenses

4. Family and Friends Monthly Support - Usually for 12-36 months until the training is over, the planter is placed, the new church is launched and achieves the four-fold church planting objective: 1) self-supporting, 2) self- propagating, 3) self-governing, and 4) self-reproducing.

5. "Parent" Church Support - Our goal is for strong parent churches to assume near-full financial support.

6. "Sponsor" Churches Support - Two or more churches that team together to help financially.

7. New Gifts in Kind- When equipment, computers, used car, office space, etc. is given.

8. Launch Team Tithe & Offerings - Open a bank account as soon as possible if you know where the plant or multi-site will be and allow people to begin to tithe their income to the new church project

9. Local Church Deputation Offerings - Where the planter can tell his/her story and an offering is taken

10. Faith Promise Budget - A great way to help fulfill our mission next door!

11. Sunday School Classes & Small Groups - They can team up to help sponsor a planter and the new church!

12. Nazarene District Grant - This is not the first, but the last source we name. No way the district can cover all the costs of multiple churches when fueling a movement but they may be able to help some. The HICP Project has begun working with a growing network of Nazarene District Superintendents who are committed to launching an "elephant church plant" on their district.